Myself and one other developer had been merging and pushing our work to a non-master branch called toolwork. That way, we didn't impact the rest of the team. My topic branch was called DPM-93 and my git workflow was this.
# do some work
git checkout DPM-93
git commit -m "did some work"
# catch up
git checkout toolwork
git pull origin toolwork
# rebase my topic branch
git checkout DPM-93
git rebase toolwork
# merge and push my changes
git checkout toolwork
git merge --no-ff DPM-93
git push origin toolwork
That was mostly working fine until I accidently issued these git commands
git checkout toolwork
git pull origin master
At that point, a bunch of new stuff showed up in branch toolwork and I'm not sure how to get rid of it short of deleting my workspace and re-cloning from the repo.
Is there any way to back this out to the state before the pull?