




Hello. I'm trying to get MySQL to run under launchd so I set up a launchd item including a "UserName" key with "mysql" as value. I did this because when I start mysql I usually go: mysqld_safe --user=mysql.

When I load it, I get:

10/22/10 11:13:02 AM    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.mysql.mysqld463) Suspicious setup: User "mysql" maps to user: _mysql
10/22/10 11:13:02 AM    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.mysql.mysqld) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

And MySQL never gets to run. Should I use "_mysql" as the user? I wonder about user mappings because I installed my databases following instructions included in MySQL distribution: using the mysql user to install databases and to run the daemon.

Thank you in advance.


Just have launchd run exactly the command you would normally run. The one change would be to use an absolute path to mysqld_safe. mysqld_safe will then spawn a mysql process running as the user mysql, and you'll be back in familiar territory.

Jeremy W. Sherman
Thanks! I did it and MySQL starts but now I get this: 10/22/10 2:03:58 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (0x301430.anonymous.nohup[1428]) Bug: launchd_core_logic.c:8297 (24108):0 10/22/10 2:03:58 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (0x301430.anonymous.nohup[1428]) Switching sessions is not allowed in the system Mach bootstrap. 10/22/10 2:03:58 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (0x301430.anonymous.nohup[1428]) _vprocmgr_switch_to_session(): kr = 0x44c. MySQL seems to run ok but when I unload it I get 10/22/10 2:03:19 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.mysql.mysqld[1078]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
Well, then you could go back to trying to run `mysql` directly using `User = "_mysql"`. You could also try running `mysqld_safe` as that user to see if it avoids the session switch.
Jeremy W. Sherman
It doesn't work either :( I'm trying with both the UserName key and the --user argument. So far the best combination has been UserName root and --user=mysql as program argument but it gives me the switch error. At least I get MySQL running.