For quite some time I have been thinking about joining an open source project. First of all, joining a project will help me become a better developer, and I’d like the challenge of working with people from around the world (I’m from Denmark). Secondly, I use a lot of open source software, both at work and in my spare time so it’s about time I at least try to give something back.
Currently I’m a .NET developer (C# mostly) and have been so for about 3 years. Before that I did a lot of classic ASP and VBScript. So I’m primarily a Windows/Microsoft guy, but I’ve recently started to pick up on Ruby/RoR.
I’d like some input to which project I can join which will help me become a better developer. For now I’m thinking it should be concentrated around .NET, as my other language skills are not yet ready to meet the world :-)
I like doing both ASP.NET as well as WinForms, but apart from that I think I’m very open to any suggestions.
Thank you in advance.
A good question, but closed as a duplicate of many questions already cited so thankfully I don't have to search-copy-paste URLs here :)