



The First Dictionary is like

        Dictionary<String, String> ParentDict = new Dictionary<String, String>();
        ParentDict.Add("A_1", "1");
        ParentDict.Add("A_2", "2");
        ParentDict.Add("B_1", "3");
        ParentDict.Add("B_2", "4"); 
        ParentDict.Add("C_1", "5");

i need to convert this into a new Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String,String>>

The result will contain

Key                    Value

              Key                   Value             

"A"             "A_1"                    "1"
                "A_2"                    "2"

"B"             "B_1"                    "1"
                "B_2"                    "2"

"C"             "C_1"                    "1"

Now i'm using nested for loop to do this.

How can i do this using LNQor LAMBDA Expression?

+1  A: 


var result = from p in ParentDict
             group p by p.Key[0] into g
             select new { Key = g.Key, Value = g };

This should give you a list of { Key, Value }, where Key will be "A", "B", "C", etc, and Value will be an original instance of KeyValuePair from ParentDict.

You can find more LINQ sample queries on this MSDN page: 101 Linq Samples

Jakub Konecki
+1  A: 

The reason to do this I suspect is because you need to be able to lookup all entries for a particular key-letter. In that case, a Lookup is a better match, generally:

var letterLookup = ParentDict.ToLookup(kv=>kv.Key[0]);

Usable like this:

//letterLookup['A'] is an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>>...

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ",
    )); // [A_1, 1], [A_2, 2]

Console.WriteLine(new XElement("root",
        letterLookup['B'].Select(kv=>new XElement(kv.Key,kv.Value))
    ));// <root><B_1>3</B_1><B_2>4</B_2></root>

Console.WriteLine(letterLookup['B'].Any()); //true
Console.WriteLine(letterLookup['Z'].Any()); //false

The advantage of a lookup over a dictionary is that it may contain multiple values for any given key (unlike a dictionary), and that it has a consistent API if a certain key is absent: it then returns the empty enumerable, whereas a dictionary containing enumerables might either throw KeyNotFoundException, or return null, or return the empty enumerable, all depending on how you created it.

Eamon Nerbonne
@ Eamon Nerbonne : oh sorry... thats not the reason( i'm aware of `lookup`) . Actually i requirement is like that .............
Finally i'll dump the data( in the format of the second dictionary) to an xml file..... (the xml file is having the structure of the second dictionary)
What's wrong with a lookup for that?
Eamon Nerbonne
Added an example with XML output.
Eamon Nerbonne
look up is fine.. for further processing i need the data in that format.....
+5  A: 
 var result = ParentDict.GroupBy(p => p.Key[0].ToString())
                        .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));
Danny Chen
+1 does what is asked.
Eamon Nerbonne