




Sometimes, during some downtime, I'll feel like doing some programming (I'm sick, I know), but I am short on ideas of what to do. Some other times, I'll have a great idea about what would make a brilliant software project (large or small), but won't have the time or inclination to actually make it.

Very briefly looking around, I've seen that there are some "idea exchange" websites (whynot.net) which have some great ideas, but aren't targetted enough to anyone who could actually implement the ideas.

Is there a place where ideas for software projects can be shared?

Edit: I just found a similar question here: Ideas Exchange between Programmers, so I'll close this one.

  1. make an idea blog
  2. get it registered on the blog-crawling sites
  3. come up with some good ideas (???)
  4. profit
+1  A: 

Not sure if it is exactly what you are looking for: http://www.fairsoftware.net/home

It addresses some legal and bookkeeping side of things. Not exactly an idea repository.

The host of open source projects is another place for this.


Don't forget about halfbakery(.com) for ideas.

Novel and potentially profitable software project ideas are a currency on their own, and don't tend to be given away arbitrarily by smart people.

I was thinking about putting together a social driven site that takes in ideas from consumers and other users are allowed to vote on how much they would use the suggested product. Offering a monetary reward to the submitter if the idea is chosen. A vetting process could also be built in to the website to ensure that the idea is unique. There are real problems with the idea, however.

Robert Venables