



Possible Duplicate: Actually, a more specific version of below post, as mods declared below post as vague and general, yet this specific version is apparently a dupe?
Asp.Net MVC 3.0 Futures - Please post your feature discoveries here?

Basically trying to figure out the usage of the new features in the MVC 3 Beta Futures that was just released a few days back.

If you have figured out and deciphered any of the classes and their respective usage, please post here as there is absolutely nothing in terms of documentation for the current release as of writing this post.

for those that haven't heard of the futures library: For those that aren't aware, the futures library is an undocumented set of MVC classes that the MVC team is considering implementing for future versions, the zipped pack can be found on codeplex, googling "MVC 3 Beta Futures" should take you there.

for the moderators of SO: this question was marked as vague or obscure by moderators. in fact, this is a clear cut question answer, just for reference here is a question/answer that is 10 times more vague but is accepted: the closed thread is here: