Here's a demo script I wrote a few months ago when my co-workers and I were learning the argparse module. It illustrates several of the module's behaviors and features:
import sys
import argparse
def parse_command_line():
# Define our argument parser.
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description = 'This is a demo app for the argparse module.',
epilog = 'This text will appear after options.',
usage = '%(prog)s [options]', # Auto-generated by default.
add_help = False, # Default is True.
# A grouping of options in the help text.
gr = ap.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
# A positional argument. This is indicated by the absense
# of leading minus signs.
choices = ['get', 'put'],
help = 'Task to be performed.', # Help text about an option.
metavar = 'TASK', # Placeholder to be used in an option's help text.
# The default in this case would be "{get,put}".
# Another group.
gr = ap.add_argument_group('Common options')
# A basic option.
'-s', '--subtask',
action = 'store', # This is the default.
# One value will be stored, as a string,
# in opt.subtask
# A required option, with type conversion.
'-u', '--user',
required = True, # Options can be made mandatory.
# However, positional arguments can't be made optional.
type = int, # Convert opt.user to an integer.
# By default, it would be a string.
# A flag option.
dest = 'clobber', # Store in opt.clobber rather than opt.overwrite.
action = 'store_true', # If option is supplied, opt.clobber == True.
# Another group.
gr = ap.add_argument_group('Some other options')
# An option with multiple values.
metavar = 'DATASET', # Default would be DATASETS.
nargs = '+', # If option is used, it takes 1 or more arguments.
# Will be stored as a list in opt.datasets.
help = "The datasets to use for frobnication.",
# An option with a specific N of values.
nargs = 1, # Takes exactly one argument. Differs from a basic
# option because will be a list rather
# than a string.
default = [], # Default would be None.
# A file option.
type = argparse.FileType('w'), # Will open a file for writing.
default = sys.stdout,
help = 'Log file (default: STDOUT)',
# Another group.
gr = ap.add_argument_group('Program information')
# A version option.
'-v', '--version',
action = 'version', # Will display version text and exit.
version = 'argparse_demo v1.2.0', # The version text.
# A help option.
'-h', '--help',
action = 'help', # Will display help text and exit.
# Parse the options.
# If given no arguments, parse_args() works with sys.argv[1:].
# And the object it returns will be of type Namespace.
opt = ap.parse_args()
return opt
command_lines = [
' put -u 1',
' get -u 234 --over --data a b c --bar XYZ -s munch --log _log.txt',
' -h', # Will exit() here.
for c in command_lines:
sys.argv = c.split()
opt = parse_command_line()
print opt