



guys I don't know what could be wrong, but I'm deploying snapshot and sources with gpg:sign-and-deploy-file, but the sources name does always have the value of the following buildnumber. Like artifact-timestamp-1.jar and artifact-timestamp-2-sources.jar

so that if I then have a snapshot dependency, it is looking for artifact-timestamp-2.jar instead of artifact-timestamp-1.jar

I'm not using any build number plugin etc., the pom definitions for this artifact is having only credentials.

I also don't use SCM...

IS THERE ANY WORKAROUND FOR DEPLOYING SNAPSHOT SOURCES ? Cause obviously it is not allowed be design.


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It could be a bug in gpg plugin. As a workaround you can try to use gpg:sign in combination with deploy:deploy.

Eugene Kuleshov
gpg is using deploy itself, If I use deploy instead of gpg, the result is the same. Maven doesn't let you deploy snapshot sources by design.

The only workaround seems to be build-helper-maven-plugin that lets you add sources for build and deploy which results in the same build numbers of snapshot artifact an its sources. But maven doesn't let you manually deploy snapshot sources by design. So that I can't do it my way calling maven from ant to manually deploy the snapshot sources.
