




I have a (testing) Drupal 6 site on a free web hosting platform, which unfortunately removed SMTP support for free hostings.

Does any one know whether there's a way to give Drupal the ability to send emails on a site without SMTP server, e.g. via the public Gmail's SMTP server? can "sendmail" help in this case?

+2  A: 

sendmail probably won't help: If the provider is blocking sending mails on the system, there will be no sendmail.

  • There is a Drupal mail module that allows direct communication with a SMTP server; it is based on the PHPMailer library. As far as I can see though, the Drupal 6 version is still in Beta

  • Libraries like SwiftMailer can talk to SMTP servers directly; here is an example on how to send an E-Mail via GMail

thank you very much. the Drupal SMTP works for me.
Jin Hui