



Is it possible to tell from the page source of a site whether it is built using oscommerce?

I've looked a t a couple of sites and can't see an obvious way but I was just wondering if there was a common folder naming convention or something like that which would give it away?

+2  A: 

I'm not sure about folder naming convention but then you could identify from the site's cookies, usually it will have a name of osCsid.

Alternately, you could use to identify what language/framework etc a particular site is using.

SteD worked perfectly. Thanks.
+1  A: 

While there may be some conventions and default values for osCommerce (e.g. the cookie name @SteD suggests), most can be overriden.

As for directory structure - what you see on the web doesn't have to correspond to paths on disk, or even to the default routes.

If you're trying to establish a simple heuristic like "this site is probably built with osCommerce", checking for the defaults may be enough. However, you can never get a 100% confirmation whether a site is or isn't built with it.
