




How can I make a tag in IE7 submit the form, while doing all the form validation that is setup on the form?

if I just do a document.forms[0].submit(); it submits, but ignores form validation.

Edit: Everybody likes telling me to use the input tag... That will sumbit the form but wont work in my situation which is why i asked about the button tag...

<form action="my/script" onsubmit="return ValidateFunc();">
<button> <img src="image/do_this_with_input_tag.png"> Some Text </button>
+1  A: 

I guess that the Validation only recognize a "submit" event from a "submit" button.

You should use a "submit" input instead of a "button" input. Then the validation mechanism will be able to intercept the submit event. you can call form.submit within the validation.submit function.

Here's the code:

<form id="theForm">
   <input type="submit" value="submitMe"/>

in Javascript:

    submitHandler: function() {
        // do some trick here
        // submit the form
Dragoon zhang
+3  A: 

First have a button with type submit as

<input type="submit" value="submit" />

In your form tag, include the onsubmit() event as

     onsubmit="return validate()"

The validate() function should return true if the form validation goes through or a false if the validation fails. e.g.

function validate(){
      return true;    
   }else{//not valid
      return false;

EDIT: Always specify the button type. If not specified, in IE it defaults to "button" while in Chrome and Firefox it defaults to "submit".

<form action="my/script" onsubmit="return ValidateFunc();">
<button type="submit"> <img src="image/do_this_with_input_tag.png"> Some Text </button>

And in future, include more details in your question if you want proper answers.

Suresh Kumar
This is exactly how things work, with the INPUT tag, not so much with the BUTTON tag.
I have edited the answer, check it out
Suresh Kumar
I'll try the type="submit" attribute again once I get back into the office.
For security also validate on the server, in case the user disables Javascript (Noscript) or doesn't even use a browser (Fiddler/Charles etc). I can't stress that enough ;)
Matthew Lock

I used jquery to submit the button. If i use straight javascript if bypasses the validation setup. Jquery 's form submit runs the validation before submitting.

After additional research, the tag, even with a type="submit" cannot submit a form in older version of IE.
