



I have had to change from python 2.7 to 2.6.
I've been using a deque with the maxlen property and have been checking what the maxlen is. Apparently you can use maxlen in python 2.6, but in 2.6 deques do not have a maxlen attribute.
What is the cleanest way to check what the maxlen of a deque is in python 2.6?

In 2.7:

from collections import deque
d = deque(maxlen = 10)
print d.maxlen

In 2.6 the deque can be used and the maxlen works properly, but maxlen is not an attribute that can be referred to.


+1  A: 

maxlen is a new part of deque that was first implemented in Python 2.7. It just doesn't exist in Python 2.6.

That said, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Create a new class that inherits all the methods and attributes from deque but also implements a maxlen attribute.
  2. Adapt your code so that maxlen isn't necessary
Rafe Kettler

Well, if you don't have the maxlen attribute, you can just steal it from the representation:

>>> import re

>>> d = deque(maxlen=42)

>>> d.__repr__()
'deque([], maxlen=42)'

>>> int(re.sub("\)$","",re.sub(".*=","",d.__repr__())))

Yes, I know it's horrible. I would prefer to upgrade to 2.7 myself but sometimes we're not given the power we desire, and we have to resort to kludges like this.

Why would you post such dark wizardry?
Rafe Kettler
Hmm, I don't know. Maybe because it works? I specifically said it was not the preferred solution but, if your hands are tied, then it'll get you through.
And it also fails when a deque is created with `maxlen = None`.
Muhammad Alkarouri
Yes, it will. Try not to think of my code snippets as full blown applications which can handle every possible scenario, more a helping hand in pointing out one way to do it :-) The best solution I've seen is the wrapper classes (+1 for Muhammad and nFreeze). This one should only be used where a wrapper is not possible (unlikely though that is). And you're dead right, you _should_ catch the `None` before trying to `int()` it.
+4  A: 

I would create my own deque by inheriting from collections.deque. It is not difficult. Namely, here it is:

import collections

class deque(collections.deque):
    def __init__(self, iterable=(), maxlen=None):
        super(deque, self).__init__(iterable, maxlen)
        self._maxlen = maxlen
    def maxlen(self):
        return self._maxlen

and this is the new deque at work:

>>> d = deque()
>>> print d
>>> print d.maxlen
>>> d = deque(maxlen=3)
>>> print d
deque([], maxlen=3)
>>> print d.maxlen
>>> d = deque(range(5))
>>> print d
deque([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> print d.maxlen
>>> d = deque(range(5), maxlen=3)
>>> print d
deque([2, 3, 4], maxlen=3)
>>> print d.maxlen
Muhammad Alkarouri
One thing -- iterable and maxlen are both optional arguments so iterable needs a default value. However you can't pass iterable=None to the collections.deque __init__ so I guess it needs an if statement? Any better way to sort that out?
jolly swagman
Actually it is simpler than that. The default value for iterable is the empty tuple `()`. I will edit the code to reflect that in a moment.
Muhammad Alkarouri
Done. With an example of use.
Muhammad Alkarouri
Awesome, thanks a lot.
jolly swagman
+2  A: 

I would create my own queue class that inherits from deque. Something like:

class Deque(deque):
    def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
        deque.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.maxlen = kwargs.get('maxlen',None)

>>>d = Deque(maxlen=10)