I have an (R, G, B) triplet, where each color is between 0.0 and 1.0 . Given a factor F (0.0 means the original color and 1.0 means white), I want to calculate a new triplet that is the “watermarked” version of the color.
I use the following expression (pseudo-code):
for each c in R, G, B:
new_c ← c + F × (1 - c)
This produces something that looks okayish, but I understand this introduces deviations to the hue of the color (checking the HSV equivalent before and after the transformation), and I don't know if this is to be expected.
Is there a “standard” (with or without quotes) algorithm to calculate the “watermarked” version of the color? If yes, which is it? If not, what other algorithms to the same effect can you tell me?