
Take a look at the NPOI library, which is a great library for generating Excel (and other Office type) documents in .Net.

With their library, they have a sample demonstrating how to load images into Excel, which reads from a file. Since you can have your POPChart can save the images as a memory stream, you can easily take their example and modify it to read from the memory stream instead of the file. The rest of the Excel generation process should be easy enough.

If it helps get you off the ground, I recently wrote a blog post about using NPOI to export simple GridViews to Excel. You can find that here: http://dillieodigital.wordpress.com/2010/10/19/soup-to-nuts-exporting-a-gridview-to-excel/
I'm sorry, I work at an organization that has a list of "approved" libraries and it's very short on CodePlex libraries :-(
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