




I have a list of cities, each of them obviously has a longitude and latitude.

Now selecting one of these cities, i want to obtain all the other cities that have a longitude / latitude in a range of 50 km from the selected city. What formula should I use?

I am only interested in the mathematical formula to convert km to latidutine and longitude from a know city position

Then i will calculate the maximum and minimum latitude and longitude, for considering an acceptable range. (like a Square)


+2  A: 

You'd probably want to use the Haversine formula.

You may want to check out the following articles for further reading and for a few implementations in various languages:

Daniel Vassallo

You are looking for the Great Circle calculation. It returns the shortest distance across the surface of the planet given two points and their respective latitude and longitude. There is a great Wikipedia article here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance

There is a pretty decent implementation - source code in javascript here: http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/GreatCircleAlgorithms


If you have the lat long information in UTM you can use the following simple formula:

(Lat2-Lat1)^2 + (Lon2-Lon1)^2 <= (50,000)^2

If you are using a different system I recommend you take a look at the following web site: http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/usefuldata/utmformulas.htm

It explains how to convert between the different coordinate systems. It also provides a spread sheet that can be used to translate.

Be happy, and enjoy life
