I was browsing through the code of Vosao CMS, an open source CMS hosted on Google App Engine (which I think is an awesome idea), and I stumbled upon the following code inside the CurrentUser class:
* Current user session value cache class. Due to GAE single-threaded nature
* we can cache currently logged in user in static property. Which we set in
* authentication filter.
public class CurrentUser {
private static UserEntity user;
public static UserEntity getInstance2() {
return user;
public static void setInstance2(UserEntity aUser) {
user = aUser;
I've never used GAE, but this sounds really weird to me.
Is GAE really "single threaded"? Is it safe to store request-scoped data inside a static field when using GAE?
Does this mean that, for each JVM instance, only one HTTP request will be executed at a time, while all the other requests are waiting?
Is this a common GAE idiom? If not, what would be the best GAE idiom to store such an UserEntity for the duration of a request? Shouldn't one use a ThreadLocal here, like they do in Spring Security? Or some kind of scoped bean (managed by the Dependency Injection container)?