



Hi all,

I've got a 2 dimensional of values in JSON format:

[[57, 2], [57, 2], [58, 2], [55, 2], [60, 2], [54, 1], [59, 11]]

Each of the pairs actually contains a pair of unrelated readings, and there is one pair for each minute. So in the first min, reading 1 is 57 and reading 2 is 2 and in the second minute, the readings are the sameetc. etc.

Now,I want to convert this into a format I can use in .Net to plot each of these readings. This could either be 2 arrays. One for the readings of the first value with one element for each minute and the second array for the second reading. Or it could be a 2 dimensional array if this is easier.

I tried using DataContractJSONSerializer without any luck:

IEnumerable obj = (IEnumerable)ser.ReadObject(reader, false);

Where SubmissionDataRow is just a class with a property for each of the readings but the Deserializer wouldnt know what value to put in which property!

Many thanks Steve


Back in my .NET days I was using Jayrock and it was working like a charm.

Sergei Tulentsev