This call:
MySecondParamsFunction(items, "test string", 31415);
Will expand to this:
MySecondParamsFunction(new object[] { items, "test string", 31415 });
So you'll have 3 items in your params
array for the call. Your original items
array will be crammed into the first item in the new array.
If you want to just have a flattened parameter list going into the second method, you can append the new items to the old array using something like this:
items.Concat(new object[] { "test string", 31415 }).ToArray());
Or maybe with a nicer extension method:
MySecondParamsFunction(items.Append("test string", 31415));
// ...
public static class ArrayExtensions {
public static T[] Append<T>(this T[] self, params T[] items) {
return self.Concat(items).ToArray();