I have set up a streaming http connection and it now connects fine, but I need to read the stream and capture data by looking for the opening element and stop reading when I get the closing element . How would I implement this? Here is what I have so far? I tried using webclient and webrequest but it did not work as well so use tcpclient
Dim tclient As TcpClient = New TcpClient(url, "80")
nstream = tclient.GetStream()
If nstream.CanWrite Then
Dim sendbytes As [Byte]() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("GET /stream.xml?")
nstream.Write(sendbytes, 0, sendbytes.Length)
End If
If nstream.CanRead Then
Dim bufferread(tclient.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte
mstring = New StringBuilder
numbytesread = 0
numbytesread = nstream.Read(bufferread, 0, tclient.ReceiveBufferSize)
mstring.AppendFormat("{0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bufferread, 0, numbytesread))
Loop While nstream.DataAvailable
End If