




I'm using ExtJS (html/css) and I've got a question regarding Layout. Example:

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The combined height (they don't have any padding, margin etc.) is 100% of it's parent container. Preferably, it's two panels somehow stacked on each other.

The problem is that I don't know the height of neither the top panel nor the bottom panel (it's not fixed, and may change since the content within the panels may change, it's two menus.) I need the top panel to fill out the remaining space, or have a scrollbar if needed.

It's not that important that the solution is pure ExtJS, it's just that the container for the two panels is an ExtJS panel, the content of the two panels inside is plain html driven by javascript.

Anybody who has a clue where to start?

I think a part of the problem is the lack of the "resize" event. I think I can get away with some semi-dynamic/static solution and try to calculate the height of the lower panel

+1  A: 

If I get the question correct- the two panels should not have a fixed size UNLESS they have content, in which case they scroll? Typically I would suggest that at least one of the panels represents 'master' content and has a fixed size. Otherwise, this should work:

layoutConfig: {
    align : 'stretch',
    pack  : 'start',
items: [
    {html:'panel 1', flex:1},
    {html:'panel 2', flex:2}

Simply give that config to the 'holding' element and then setup 'panel 1' and 'panel 2' as you see fit (i.e. replace '{html:'panel 1', flex:1}' with the name of the component)

Ergo Summary
I can't have neither the first, nor the second one to be fixed. (I might get away with the second one to be fixed as a temporary solution, though.) However, this will allow the first one to use whatever space there's left, and the second one to use whatever space it needs..? (I interpret the flex as panel 1 will get 33% and panel 2 will get 67% of the space?)
There is a bit of a logic question here, 'the second one to use whatever space it needs.' could potentially mean panel 1 is completely minimised/squashed- so surely you want to fix a max height for panel 2 to prevent this?
Ergo Summary
@Ergo: Probably, but that's not the big problem right now. (However, in case it matters to the solution, I would probably prefer if they both get what they want, and then the container for them both will add a scrollbar.
+1  A: 

This is not an easy problem to solve. By your description of the problem Panel 2 must have autoHeight: true, but there is no way to tell the browser or Ext to automatically size the top panel according to that.

The best I can come up with is to do it manually on a timer:

  • Create an outer container for both panels with an absolute layout, fixed height. Apply a custom "position: relative" style to it.
  • Panel 1 has config x: 0, y: 0, anchor: "100% 100%", autoScroll: true
  • Panel 2 is autoHeight: true with custom style: "top: auto; bottom: 0"
  • Run a task on an interval of 1 sec or so that checks the height of Panel 2, and assigns that height to a padding-bottom style on Panel 1
Hm, seems like the solution will be something like this. (It's something like this I've implemented, but without the timer, instead I try to relayout when I think something might have happened.) Anyway, I'm accepting your answer since you've come to the same conclusion as I have :)