In Firebird I want to generate the scripts for adding all the constraints in a database and also I want to generate the script for dropping all the foreign key constraints.
How do I do this?
In Firebird I want to generate the scripts for adding all the constraints in a database and also I want to generate the script for dropping all the foreign key constraints.
How do I do this?
To generate a script which in turns drop all the foreign keys, use the following script in any firebird >= 2.0 (maybe it works on pre 2.0, just can't remember if data dictionary changed in involved system table):
--generate a script which drops all foreign keys
--by jachguate
select 'alter table '||c.rdb$relation_name||' drop constraint '||c.rdb$constraint_name||';' script_lines
from rdb$relation_constraints c
where c.rdb$constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY';
To generate a script to re-create all the foreign keys, this script will do the trick (for firebird >= 2.0). Remember to run this before actually deleting the foreign keys.
select 'alter table '||trim(c.rdb$relation_name)
||' add constraint '||trim(c.rdb$constraint_name)
||' foreign key ('
||(select list(trim(imast.rdb$field_name)) from rdb$index_segments imast where rdb$index_name = c.rdb$index_name)
||') references '||trim(uqc.rdb$relation_name)
||' ('
||(select list(trim(idet.rdb$field_name)) from rdb$index_segments idet where rdb$index_name = uqc.rdb$index_name)
from rdb$relation_constraints c
inner join rdb$ref_constraints rc
on rc.rdb$constraint_name = c.rdb$constraint_name
inner join rdb$relation_constraints uqc
on uqc.rdb$constraint_name = rc.rdb$const_name_uq;
Best regards.