




Hi In a single server Windows domain, does anyone know how to get the servername. For example, in my test environment, we have a single Windows Small Business Server 2008 called horatio, it is the domain controller for longtest.local.

I have played around with the system.dns (with no positive results) :

    Dim myIP As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(My.Computer.Name)
    Dim IPAddress As String = myIP.AddressList.GetValue(0).ToString
    Dim myFullDomainName = Dns.GetHostEntry(IPAddress).HostName
    Dim DomainParts() As String = myFullDomainName.Split("."c)
    Dim DomainName As String = DomainParts(1)

However, I cannot seem to grab the servername, I need a function like :

GetDomainServer() that will return horatio (from the example above. Driving me a bit mad this one.

Regards Mark Harby Nottingham. UK


Ask the server. Like environment variable. The local machine name is available in one environment variable.

TomTom, how does that help when I am trying to resolve the server name from a domain client ?
Mark Harby
+1  A: 

There's an environment variable called LOGONSERVER that you can use:

var domainServerName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOGONSERVER");
Brilliant, there's always a simple way. Thanks Klaus
Mark Harby