



I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but with MongoDB and PHP i'm trying to do this:

$db->textures->remove(array("_id"=>$_GET['texture_id']),array("safe" => true))

But nothing happens. I did a print_r and it says:

Array ( [err] => [n] => 0 [ok] => 1 )

Crap, looks like since im removing a MongoID i have to do this:

$db->textures->remove(array("_id"=>new MongoId($_GET['texture_id'])),array("safe" => true));
Oscar Godson
AFAIK only if the ID was added as a MongoID.
Isn't _id always automatically added as a mongoid?
Oscar Godson
Yeah, if an _id is not supplied when it is created, then yes. A MongoId maps to an ObjectID which is an object, which is why just supplying the ID didn't work. But, you can supply your own (non-MongoID) _id values if you want, and search on them without using the MongoId object.
eg, have a look at the following: >{ name: "Test Object 1"}); >{ _id: "abc123", "name" : "Test Object 2" }); > db.test.find(); { "_id" : ObjectId("4cca41c9d86d000000006d33"), "name" : "Test Object 1" } { "_id" : "abc123", "name" : "Test Object 2" }
Gah, code formatting fail. See answer.
oh! awesome. Thanks for that!
Oscar Godson

If an ID is not supplied when the record is saved then yes, you'll need to use the MongoID object to build the correct search criteria. You can, however, define the _id to be whatever you want - a plain integer, text, timestamp, etc - that you can use to search on as with any other property.

See the following CLI output as an example - the first object has an _id that contains an ObjectId type, but the second contains a simple string. A search by the string works as normal:

>{ name: "Test Object 1"});
>{ _id: "abc123", "name" : "Test Object 2" });
> db.test.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4cca41c9d86d000000006d33"), "name" : "Test Object 1" }
{ "_id" : "abc123", "name" : "Test Object 2">
db.test.find({"_id" : "abc123"});
{ "_id" : "abc123", "name" : "Test Object 2" } }
Just curious, but is there a way to have Mongo auto generate and ID as it does by default but make it a string? I like that the ids are long and near impossible to guess and that they are done by default. If not i can generate them myself, just curious if there was a way to just change the type on insert.
Oscar Godson
AFAIK, not that I know of, I'm no mongo guru though.