My guess until now was that a dynamic type just "switches off" type checking during compilation and does something similar to a type cast when a message is invoked on a dynamic instance. Obviously something else is going on.
The attached NUnit test case shows my problem: Using a dynamic type I can use a method only available in the concrete subclass, but I cannot do the same using a cast (results in InvalidCastException). I'd rather do the casting since this gives me full code completion in VS.
Can anyone explain what's happening and/or give me a hint how I could get code completion in my case without having to reimplement the WorkWithAndCreate-method in every concrete subclass?
cheers, Johannes
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace SlidesCode.TestDataBuilder
public class MyTest
public void DynamicWorks()
string aString = CreateDynamic(obj => obj.OnlyInConcreteClass());
Assert.AreEqual("a string", aString);
private static string CreateDynamic(Action<dynamic> action)
return new MyConcreteClass().WorkWithAndCreate(action);
public void CastingDoesNotWorkButThrowsInvalidCastException()
string aString = CreateWithCast(obj => obj.OnlyInConcreteClass());
Assert.AreEqual("a string", aString);
private static string CreateWithCast(Action<MyConcreteClass> action)
return new MyConcreteClass().WorkWithAndCreate((Action<MyGenericClass<string>>) action);
internal abstract class MyGenericClass<T>
public abstract T Create();
public T WorkWithAndCreate(Action<MyGenericClass<T>> action)
return this.Create();
internal class MyConcreteClass : MyGenericClass<string>
public override string Create()
return "a string";
public void OnlyInConcreteClass()
Here's the formatted real world example from my comment:
Customer customer = ACustomer(cust =>
cust.With(new Id(54321));
cust.With(AnAddress(addr => addr.WithZipCode(22222)));
private static Address AnAddress(Action<AddressBuilder> buildingAction)
return new AddressBuilder().BuildFrom(buildingAction);
private static Customer ACustomer(Action<CustomerBuilder> buildingAction)
return new CustomerBuilder().BuildFrom(buildingAction);
Some details are missing from it but I hope it makes the purpose clear.