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Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?

I've been doing conditionals with if/else or a year or so now. Looking at some new code, I'm seeing a conditional that appears to use ? and : instead of if and else. I'd like to learn more about this but am not sure what to google to find articles explaining how it works. Help?

+5  A: 

It's the Ternary Operator.

Basic usage is something like

$foo = (if this expressions returns true) ? (assign this value to $foo) : (otherwise, assign this value to $foo)

It can be used for more than assignment though, it looks like other examples are cropping up below.

I think the reason you see this in a lot of modern, OO style PHP is that without static typing you end up needing to be paranoid about the types in any particular variable, and a one line ternary is less cluttered than a 7 line if/else conditional.

Also, in deference to the comments and truth in naming, read all about the ternary operators in computer science.

Alan Storm
It’s *a* ternary operator and not *the* ternary operator.
@Gumbo - I thought the same thing. Unfortunately the PHP documentation has it backwards. It says one of the conditional operators is the ternary operator. One more reason I don't like PHP...:-P
Justin Niessner
In the context of PHP it's THE ternary operator, as enshrined in the manual page. Take it up with them.
Alan Storm
@Justin Niessner: I know it’s often referred to as “the” ternary operator as it’s the only ternary operator in PHP I know of. But what else conditional operators are there that it’s only referred to as being one of them?
@Gumbo - I have no idea. Like I said, I think their documentation is backwards too (hence my answer).
Justin Niessner
Wikipedia link added to clear up pesky things like "truth in naming"
Alan Storm

This is the ternary operator in PHP. It's shorthand for if/else, format is:

condition ? true expression : false expression;
Jason McCreary
It’s *a* ternary operator and not *the* ternary operator.
@Gumbo, seriously?
Jason McCreary
@Gumbo. Thanks for the deep insight. I wasn't sure if you were serious. As a moderator of this community I didn't expect you to begrudge an active participant such things. I've seen a lot of that this week. I guess it's understandable as syntax is our life. However, I hope that doesn't become a trend of this community.
Jason McCreary
@Jason McCreary: I just like to use a proper terminology. But it might be pedantic in this case.
+1  A: 

condition ? do_if_true : do_if_false

So, for example

$true = 1;
$false = 0

$true ? $do->something() : $do->nothing();

in the above, do->something() will be ran.

But in the below example, do->nothing() will be ran.

$false ? $do->something() : $do->nothing();
+2  A: 

That would be the conditional operator. It's pretty much a single line if/then/else statement:

    $x = doSomething();
    $x = doSomethingElse();


$x = someCondition ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse();
Justin Niessner