



I'm a haskell newbie, and having a bit of trouble figuring out how to pattern match a ByteString. The [Char] version of my function looks like:

dropAB :: String -> String
dropAB []       = []
dropAB (x:[])   = x:[]
dropAB (x:y:xs) = if x=='a' && y=='b'
                  then dropAB xs
                  else x:(dropAB $ y:xs)

As expected, this filters out all occurrences of "ab" from a string. However, I have problems trying to apply this to a ByteString.

The naive version

dropR :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
dropR []         = []
dropR (x:[])     = [x]


Couldn't match expected type `BS.ByteString'
       against inferred type `[a]'
In the pattern: []
In the definition of `dropR': dropR [] = []

[] is clearly the culprit, as it is for a regular String not a ByteString. Subbing in BS.empty seems like the right thing but gives "Qualified name in the binding position: BS.empty." Leaving us to try

dropR :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
dropR empty              = empty        
dropR (x cons empty)     = x cons empty

this gives "parse error in pattern" for (x cons empty). I don't really know what else I can do here.

As a side note, what I'm trying to do with this function is to filter out a specific UTF16 character from some text. If there's a clean way to accomplish that, I'd love to hear it, but this pattern matching error seems like something that a newbie haskeller should really understand.

thanks Lee

+4  A: 

Patterns use data constructors.

Your empty is just a binding for the first parameter, it could have been x and it would not change anything.

You can't reference a normal function in your pattern so (x cons empty) is not legal. Note: I guess (cons x empty) is really what you meant but this is also illegal.

ByteString is quite different from String. String is an alias of [Char], so it's a real list and the : operator can be used in patterns.

ByteString is Data.ByteString.Internal.PS !(GHC.ForeignPtr.ForeignPtr GHC.Word.Word8) !Int !Int (i.e. a pointer to a native char* + offset + length). Since the data constructor of ByteString is hidden, you must use functions to access the data, not patterns.

Here a solution (surely not the best one) to your UTF-16 filter problem using the text package:

module Test where

import Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Text.Encoding

removeAll :: Char -> Text -> Text
removeAll c t =  T.filter (/= c) t

main = do
  bytes <- BS.readFile "test.txt"
  TIO.putStr $ removeAll 'c' (decodeUtf16LE bytes)
Didn't know that bit about patterns and data constructors. Since, as noted below, ByteString doesn't export its constructors, this makes sense now. Thanks to all who answered.
+1  A: 

For this, I would pattern match on the result of uncons :: ByteString -> Maybe (Word8, ByteString).

Pattern matching in Haskell only works on constructors declared with 'data' or 'newtype.' The ByteString type doesn't export its constructors you cannot pattern match.

Antoine Latter
+1  A: 

You can use view patterns for such things

{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}    
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, cons, uncons, singleton, empty)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w) 

dropR :: ByteString -> ByteString
dropR (uncons -> Nothing) = empty
dropR (uncons -> Just (x,uncons -> Nothing)) = singleton x
dropR (uncons -> Just (x,uncons -> Just(y,xs))) =
    if x == c2w 'a' && y == c2w 'b'
    then dropR xs
    else cons x (dropR $ cons y xs)

Just to address the error message you received and what it means:

Couldn't match expected type `BS.ByteString'
       against inferred type `[a]'
In the pattern: []
In the definition of `dropR': dropR [] = []

So the compiler expected your function to be of type: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString because you gave it that type in your signature. Yet it inferred (by looking at the body of your function) that the function is actually of type [a] -> [a]. There is a mismatch there so the compiler complains.

The trouble is you are thinking of (:) and [] as syntactic sugar, when they are actully just the constructors for the list type (which is VERY different from ByteString).
