




hey all, i have been scanning the net for answers to this question for days now and im still making no progress so i beg for your help oh mighty guru's of computer wisdom :)

my problem is my readprocessmemory function is returning unicode.. here is my code

kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32

pid = int(raw_input("Enter PID: "))
hproc = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |PROCESS_VM_READ, False, pid)
lpbaseaddr = 16799644
read_buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(4)
bytread = ctypes.c_ulong(0)
kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(hproc, lpbaseaddr, read_buff,
                               4, ctypes.byref(bytread))
print read_buff.raw #i also tried read_buff.value

ok thats my code.. i know the value at that address is 50 because i used cheat engine to make it 80 :) my program's print read_buff returns "P".. if i make the value of that address 81 with cheat engine and run my program it returns the value "Q". i been messing around and unichr(80) returns P and unichr(81) returns Q. there is obviously a problem with create_string_buff. should i be using a byte buffer or integer buffer and how would i do that? using unichr() works for a few valeus but say the address value is 800. unichr(800) obviously wont work.. PLS HELP!!!!! im looking for the read_buff to return 50 or 60 or 800 etc


sorry.. i know the value is 80 not 50

You should edit your question, not "answer" with a correction :)
Mark Tolonen
lol sorry mark im new to this site.. i hope this is the right place to post this... ok so i been doing more messing around and i found something strange.. in the python shell i type something = ctypes.create_string_buffer(4) now if i type something.raw and press enter the shell will print '\x00\x00\x00\x00'.. if i type print something.raw it prints four rectangles? why does print change the value of my something variable? using print i want the output to be '\x00\x00\x00\x00'?
That's a new question, so it should be asked as one, then people can get reputation for it (don't forget to except an answer for this one as well). Anyway, to do what you want, use `print repr(s)`, which displays non-printable characters in `\x##` format.
Mark Tolonen
k thats it then :) problem solved. thanks mark you been a great help :) i clicked the tick so you should get reputation.. anyway, thanks again

It is not returning Unicode, but four bytes as a string (probably '\x80\x00\x00\x00') Pass a pointer to an integer not a string buffer:

read_buff = ctypes.c_uint()
kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(hproc, lpbaseaddr, ctypes.byref(read_buff),
                           ctypes.sizeof(read_buff), ctypes.byref(bytread))
print read_buff.value
Mark Tolonen
thank you so much mark it worked perfectly, thats exactly the answer i was looking for :) one last question tho, the read_buff = ctypes.c_uint() will that hold any size variable? unlike the string buffer where i had to specify 4 bytes long etc.. thanks again for the fast reply
ok one last question.. say i wanted to return that byte string. eg "\x80\x00\x00\x00". what pointer would i use then?
No, `c_uint` is 4 bytes in size, `ctypes.sizeof` returns the size. `print repr(read_buff.raw)` will display the string in escaped format.
Mark Tolonen
ok so at the moment heres what ive done..
read_buff = ctypes.create_string buffer
sigh every time i push enter it sends... anyway.. heres my code.. read_buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(4) print repr(read_buff.raw) this returns "\x90\x00\x00\x00" for example. then using the struct module i go struct.unpack("i", "\x90\x00\x00\x00") and it gives me the integer i want :) but now how do i get the string version? say for example at that address the value could be an int or a str of a word and i want to try both possible options to see which might contain the value im looking for... thanks
If it is a string just use create_string_buffer like you were using, and `print read_buff.value`.
Mark Tolonen