i was trying to get a newsletter done in html . is it mandatory to use while creating a newsletter email template ? what else do I need to take into account to encode the newsletter ?
I think your question is whether you need HTML to make a newsletter. If it's not please ignore my answer.
You don't need to use HTML for your email newsletter, you can just use plain text. However if you want to markup your email newsletter (have colors, images, etc) you do need HTML.
Properly doing HTML-email is difficult. I'm guessing you're not an HTML expert, so I'd advise you to either keep to plain text (which for most purposes is absolutely fine) or use an email newsletter service like MailChimp.
Niels Bom
2010-10-30 10:38:24
i can code in html but not quite sure of how to use that in emailing newsletters ....
2010-10-30 10:45:07
So this transforms your question into "how do I make an HTML email?", right? That's a broad question, and I suggest you search for a tutorial or guide. Sitepoint has a [book](http://www.sitepoint.com/books/htmlemail1/) on it. But I'll repeat myself: HTML in email is difficult, try a service first.
Niels Bom
2010-10-30 11:45:23