Hi, What is the difference between Private Sub Private Function Private Class
and to use them?
Thanks Furqan
Hi, What is the difference between Private Sub Private Function Private Class
and to use them?
Thanks Furqan
Class is a Class, Sub and Function are methods, private is an access modifier
now check this link,
This is the exact answer to your question: http://www.startvbdotnet.com/language/methods.aspx
Private is a modifier than gives the scope of the class, sub, or function.
A sub and a function are both subroutines, or sections of code that can be called in the program. The difference between them is that a function has a return value and a sub does not.
A class is a group of code that can include subs, functions, and other stuff.
Sub is like a function but it doesnt returns any values it just executes a proccess