



I want a specific layout for a website. I need the the upper section of the site to take the amount of space it needs (which varies during the page's lifetime as I hide/show various pieces of it). Then I want a lower section to start where the upper section left off and use the rest, showing a scrollbar if necessary.

I got just experienced enough with the Flex layout technique to make what I want work as shown below. The 'header' section takes up as much space as it needs, then the 'Rest' text makes up the bottom section that scrolls as needed.

There's just one problem. On a webkit browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome) try this with my page. Take the demo page and shorten it so that the bottom section displays with a scrollbar. Now scroll it all the way down. When you click any of the 'try' links, this lower section will suddenly scroll up to some position partway up. I have filed this as a bug with no luck.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there maybe a different way to do this that won't break Safari/Chrome?