



I have created the following subroutine gender to randomly print string MALE or FEMALE. When subroutine is invoked, the print command suffixes a "1" at the end of the string. See the sample code and output below:

sub gender { 
    if ( (int rand(100)) >50) {
        print "MALE  ";
    else {
        print "FEMALE";

foreach (1..5) {
    print &gender, "\n"; 

Notice a "1" is suffixed to "MALE" OR "FEMALE"



I am using perl v5.8.9 v5.8.9 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

Binary build 826 [290470] provided by ActiveState Built May 24 2009 09:21:05

+14  A: 
print &gender

calls the gender function and prints what it returns. gender itself, as the last thing it does in either branch, prints a string. Implicitly, it returns the result of the last expression in it (the print "MALE" or print "FEMALE"), and print, when it succeeds, returns 1.

So either do this:

sub gender { if ( rand(100) >= 50 ) {print "MALE  ";}  else {print "FEMALE";}}
foreach (1..5) { &gender();  print "\n"; } 

or this:

sub gender { if ( rand(100) >= 50 ) {return "MALE  ";}  else {return "FEMALE";}}
foreach (1..5) { print &gender(), "\n"; }

Also, note that &gender, with & but without parentheses, is a special form of function invocation that isn't usually what people mean to use; either drop the & or add empty parentheses to your call.

I've also corrected the if test to return male 50% of the time and female 50% of the time, instead of 49% and 51% respectively.

or just drop the parentheses since the sub has been declared prior to the call. Best practice though is usually to use the empty parentheses anyway
+8  A: 

Let's get idiomatic with your code:

print gender(), "\n" 
    for 1..5;

sub gender {
    return  int rand(100) > 50 ? 'MALE' : 'FEMALE';

So, what did I do?


  1. The gender sub should not be called with the & and no parens. This invokes the subroutine on the arguments passed to its caller. This is handy when you have a bunch of common argument sanitizing code. But it is not desirable or needed here.
  2. I put the sub after the other code because I like to read my code from high level to specific--the opposite of how C forces you to organize things. I don't like reading my code from the bottom up, so I did it this way. This is purely a personal preference. Do whatever makes you happy. Or if you have to work with others, follow the standard you've agreed upon.
  3. I shortened foreach to for. They do exactly the same thing, one takes fewer characters.
  4. I used for as a statement modifier. In other words I took a simple statement print $_, "\n"; and tacked the for onto the end. For simple tasks it is nicer than using a block. Again, this is my opinion. Some people decry statement modifiers as evil and unwelcome. If you decide to use them, keep it simple. YMMV.
  5. I got rid of the extra unneeded print ysth mentioned.
  6. Instead of using a big if/else block, I used the ternary operator (OK, it's really just a ternary operator, but people call it the ternary operator). It computes a test value and depending on the boolean value of the test, returns the result one of two expressions. It is handy when you want if/else logic in an assignment.
7. .... profit!
What's the `int()` for?
The int doesn't really do anything practical. It does force a small shift in the probabilities--`int(50.9)` is 50, and therefore is yields `FEMALE`. Without the `int`, 50.9 yields `MALE`. I guess this is an unintended feature, but I didn't want to change the probabilities. Maybe that's what number 7 is for.
True, int() is just carried over from the work I was trying to resolve. It has no real purpose in the question under discussion.
Ratnendra Pandey

There is something about subroutine invocation that is still not clear to me. Notice that prefixing & and/or suffixing () does not seem to make any difference. What does seem to make a difference is whether the print is placed before or after the subroutine invocation. Notice different styles of print command in the following code:

sub gender { if (int rand(100)>50) 
                  {print "MALE  ";}  
                  {print "FEMALE";}}

foreach (1..4) {  print &gender(), "   :   style1 with & print before &gender()  \n"; }
foreach (1..4) {  &gender(), print "   :   style2 with & &gender() before print \n"; }
foreach (1..4) {  print  gender(), "   :   style3 & dropped print  before gender() \n"; }
foreach (1..4) {  gender(), print  "   :   style4 & dropped gender() before print \n"; }`

This generates the following output:

FEMALE1   :   style1 with & print before &gender()
MALE  1   :   style1 with & print before &gender()
MALE  1   :   style1 with & print before &gender()
MALE  1   :   style1 with & print before &gender()

FEMALE   :   style2 with & &gender() before print
FEMALE   :   style2 with & &gender() before print
FEMALE   :   style2 with & &gender() before print
MALE     :   style2 with & &gender() before print

FEMALE1   :   style3 & dropped print  before gender()
FEMALE1   :   style3 & dropped print  before gender()
MALE  1   :   style3 & dropped print  before gender()
FEMALE1   :   style3 & dropped print  before gender()

FEMALE   :   style4 & dropped gender() before print
MALE     :   style4 & dropped gender() before print
MALE     :   style4 & dropped gender() before print
FEMALE   :   style4 & dropped gender() before print
Ratnendra Pandey
I tried to explain this in my answer, but I'll try again: your gender function prints something and then returns 1 if the print was successful. If you include the call to gender in the arguments to print, that 1 that it returns gets printed.
+1  A: 

Without an explicit return, the Perl sub will return the last evaluated value. gender returns a 1 because in both execution paths, it calls print which returns a 1.

You should either be having gender return a string, which the caller then prints, or have gender do the printing, and have the caller not do anything with the return value.

Andy Lester