I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do the following: I need to provide a config variable for any applications using my engine so that they can easily pass settings to my engine.
Does anyone have any links to a proper or accepted way to do this?
EDIT: As an update, I figured out a decent way to do this. Code is below.
# file: lib/my_engine.rb
module MyEngine
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer "my_engine.configure_rails_initialization" do |app|
# Engine configures Rails app here, this is not what my question was about
# This is what I was trying to figure out
def self.config(&block)
@@config ||= MyEngine::Configuration.new
yield @@config if block
return @@config
This allows any application using my engine to configure it like below in any of their initializers or their environment.rb file, calling any methods defined in the MyEngine::Configuration
MyEngine.config do |config|
config.some_configuration_option = "Whatever"