Is it possible to freeze a grid column in Dynamics Ax so that as the user scrolls to the right the first column or two continues to show and doesn't scroll out of view?
2009-01-31 14:43:12
Is this link to something useful?
James Moore
2009-02-02 05:13:18
No, I just put it there just for the hell of it. Sorry I tried to help you out.
2009-02-02 13:18:34
I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. I looked again... I had to create an account before it let me see anything. The example it showed was for dynamics nav, is there some applicability to dynamics ax?
James Moore
2009-02-03 06:19:42
That link didn't seem to show anything relevant to AX. Is it possible that you pasted the wrong one?
Jordan H.
2009-02-11 17:48:52
James, I haven't been able to find a way. If I discover how, I'll be sure to come back and share it.
Jordan H.
2009-02-11 17:49:25
If this is really necessary to do you could try to emulate the behavior by using two grids that are side by side and share the same data source. One grid would have the frozen columns and the other would have the rest, but if there were enough records to require vertical scrolling then the vertical scrolling would not be linked for the two grids, which is defiantly not ideal.
2009-11-18 20:00:13