+1  A: 

add a ' (single quote) to the front of the string.

Dan Williams
If I add a ' quote to the front of the string, it shows up in the file.

If you know a field is supposed to be a 5-digit zip code (or some part of a SSN or whatever), you're probably going to have to fix it manually via an sprintf() or whatever the c# equivalent is. If it's a field that's indeterminate, you're completely at the mercy of whatever is reading the data.

Sorry, I misread the question as reading from Excel to HTML.

Have you considered exporting as CSV instead of Excel?

Joe Casadonte
So, there is nothing you can set in the Response.Header.
It has to be in excel.
Looking at the edited question it looks like you are actually emitting CSV (or other non comma separated text).
Fabrizio C.
+2  A: 

I don't know the output of your XSL transformation: I will assume it's the xml format for Excel. Trying to reverse the process I wrote three numbers (007) in an Excel sheet: once as number, once as text and once as number but formatted to show 3 digits padded with zeros. Then I saved it as xml and looked at it. Here is the fragment:

    <Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">7</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String" x:Ticked="1">007</Data></Cell>
    <Cell ss:StyleID="s22"><Data ss:Type="Number">7</Data></Cell>

I'm not copying the style but you can easily do it.

Edit: as always Google Is Your Friend (and mine, too ;-) ): http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/CSV/CSV01.htm#CSVAndExcel.

Edit (2): I thought the link was enough. The article is saying that (if you are sure the target is only Excel) you can use an Excel-specific CSV syntax. So in your case and looking at your code I think you should insert the missing commas and change the opening




Beware that I didn't try.

Just one question out of curiosity: wouldn't it be simpler to just output what you need working on the DataSet instead of

  • transforming it in XML
  • generating an ad-hoc XSL
  • performing the XSL transformation
  • copying the result to the Response stream


Fabrizio C.
I added the method that creates the stylesheet above.
I see... You are producing CSV (or similar): so my hint does not apply. Sorry.
Fabrizio C.
Can I do something to the WriteAttributeString which would tell it to export it as text?
See my edited answer.
Fabrizio C.
The link didn't help me out to much because I am exporting a columns in a datatable to excel. Instead, I am trying to find out if there is a way I can change the stylesheet?
See again my edited answer.
Fabrizio C.
Great, putting "=\"" worked. Why does this work? It probably would be simpler just to work directly with the dataset, but I didn't write the code, so it's kind of hard for me to answer.
It works because you are now generating an XSL that, applied to the XML representation of your DataSet, will generate a custom (and specific to Excel!) flavor of CSV with the text escaped like ="001",="002". Have a look at the intermediate steps of this process...
Fabrizio C.