




Is there a way to make a bi-directionnal Replication with SQL Server ?

(BDD 1) Table 1 <=> (BDD 2) Table 1


+1  A: 

There are a few solutions that might suit your need.

  1. Merge replication
  2. Peer to peer transactional replication
  3. Database mirroring

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing one depends on the nature of your scenario.

Mehrdad Afshari
Does Merge Replication is an Instant Replication ? or it's differed ?
Yoann. B
It's usually used for deferred situations. If DB servers are always available, you could use database mirroring instead.
Mehrdad Afshari
my problem is to prevent from one of the db servers get down. So i needed a 2 way instant replication between the 2 servers whenever they are onlines. And if one of the server is down, update the database when goes up.
Yoann. B
Yaonn. B: I think database mirroring is specifically designed for such a situation.
Mehrdad Afshari
Ok thanks, I'll take a look at these solutions.
Yoann. B