I am attempting to convert a Dephi 2006 project to Delphi 2009 (Delphi 2006 is on Drive C Delphi 2009 is on Drive D).
On the main form there is a DataSource1: TDataSource;
and a Table1: TTable;
In OnFormShow
the table filename is set to:
TableFilename := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( MyProfileFolder ) + 'Delphi 2009\Projects\Adirondack Lake Maps\' + 'TITLES.DB';
Table1.Active := False;
Table1.TableName := TableFilename;
Table1.Active := True;
When running the app I get:
EDBEngineError-Network Initialization Failed Permission Denied File C:\PDOXUSERS.NET Directory: c:\
- How do I set the correct path to PDOXUSERS.NET?
- This is a simple application that stores scanned lake maps in a database and displays information about the lake in a few fields.
- In the past I used to use the BDE. What is the simplest database access component to use to replace the BDE and where can I learn more about this? There are a lot of database engines now for Delphi 2009 I do not know where to start.