




Does anyone know what is the behavior for C#? Is it the same for all .NET languages?

+5  A: 

Yes, it automatically calls the default constructor of the base class. A default constructor has no parameters.

If there is not a default constructor, you must manually call the base class constructor using the syntax:

public MyClass() : base(parameters, ...)

Source: Using Constructors (C#)

+1  A: 

Yes it does. This is why you cannot create a derived class that doesn't call a base class.

public class A
    public A(string s)

public class B : A
    public B()

Results in a compiler error.

If you have a default constructor (no parameters) on the base class, there will be no compiler error.
Indeed but this proves you cannot create a derived class without calling a base class ctor. If it was permissable this would work.
+1  A: 

It definitely does for C# - I cannot say for other languages but I cannot imagine that their compilers would generate different IL.

Take this example:

class Parent { }
class Child : Parent { }

If we look at the IL generated inside the Child's constructor we see this important line:

L_0001: call instance void Parent::.ctor()

which clearly shows that we are calling the default constructor of the Parent class.

Andrew Hare
+2  A: 

Yes - this happens with any constructor in the derived class if you don't explicitly call a base class constructor.

class Base
  Base(int i){}

class Derived : Base
  Derived(bool x) {} // calls Base.Base()

class Derived2 : Base
  Derived2() : base(10) {} // calls Base.Base(int)
Is this the default behavior for all .NET languages?
Igor Zelaya
It's probably the default behavior for all object-oriented languages. Intuitively, the base class's members must be set up before the derived class's members or you'd get unpredictable results.

Just to add to the other answers, for OO to work correctly, it MUST call a constructor for each class. If not, you couldn't guarantee that your class was in a known good condition.

Even when you are doing something strange (such as serializing) they require that a default constructor because, again, a constructor MUST be called.

Bill K