




What does "Generate Debug Info" mean in VB/C#?

The difference between "none" and "pdb-only" only is pretty clear. But what about "pdb-only" and "full"?

+10  A: 

The compiler will generate a pdb file for you when you build which contains the symbols for your application and can be used by the Visual Studio debugger and external debuggers to find where something went wrong easily.

"Full" means that full debugging information will be generated when you build your application, so the code itself will be debuggable which includes the [DebuggableAttribute] which links the code to the debugging information eg symbols.

"pdb-only" means that only the pdb debugging information will be generated on build, which will not add the [DebuggableAttribute] to the compiled code which is used by the JIT compiler to link the code the debugging information.

More info can be found here

Nathan W