




I'm newbie of C# developer. I have a little knowledge of C# and OOP. My goal in this year is "To be master in programming and object oriented technology" I have set my learning path as follow. (order by learning step)

  • C# and OOP
  • OOAD
  • UML
  • Requirement Management
  • Design Pattern

Is my learning path is good? If not please suggest me for better path.


+5  A: 

Honestly if the steps are in any order, I would move UML to the bottom of the list. And study up on TDD and DDD for your design patterns.

Nick Berardi
I would add TDD close to the top.
Nathan W
Frankly I rarely use UML to design something that I am working on. However it is hugely useful as a tool to communicate with other people. That being the case I too wouldn't rank it at the top as far as groking OOP goes.
Daniel Auger
+1  A: 

You won't be much of a master of OOP without Design Patterns, those two go hand in hand so I'd move it up. Good luck!

Mike Robinson
+10  A: 

Its impossible to become a "master" in 1 year. I've been programming C# for 4 years (working as a engineer too) and I'm still not a 'master'. As as matter of fact, no one really is a 'master' programmer.

Except Donald Knuth :)
Robert Gould
and Dennis Ritchie.
And let's not forget Bill Gates. Even though we all hate him, he did bring PC's to the masses. He didn't ruin M$ anyway, Ballmer did.
Bill Gates is the man behind the BASIC on my beloved and still often used C64. In some ways you could say he had a huge direct influence on many thousands of programmers that may not even be aware of.
Daniel Auger
Software design/architecture/engineering really is a lifetime commitment. I feel that as long as your passionate about it, and not just doing it for the money, then you can do great things. I still get the feeling I got when I started, knowing that I can make the computer do whatever I want it to do

there is no linear path (unfortunately) but your list isn't bad.

Maybe add

  • Functional programming
  • Dynamic languages
  • Test oriented development(including mocking)
  • maybe also study up on agile processes while you are looking at requirements management
Tim Jarvis
Functional programming has absolutely nothing to do with OOP mastery. Although it's nice to know
Robert Gould
@Robert - I'd disagee; you can use C# (in particular) in a functional style thanks to lambdas, delegates and closures; and that can interact with your OOP (gotta love a hybrid language ;-p). So understanding the basics of functional programming is actually very useful.
Marc Gravell

I really like the book "Beginning algorithms", it will help you understand the inner workings of classes/apis you will use in almost every language. Also, never overlook administrative tasks, if you have time and a couple bucks, set up a Linux EC2 instance. Then set up Apache with Tomcat, MySql and mod_jk. Test and make sure you can hit your Tomcat app from your home pc. You can set up a simple Struts app using Maven, which will help you learn about the build and deployment strategies and dependency management... Especially transitive dependencies. It may sound easy, but it is a learning experience.

Algorithms aren't a part of OOP, although they will make you a better programmer, it is an unrelated topic to the OOP mastery needs.
Robert Gould
They absolutely are. The most simple example of such is what is an array, how is it stored and how does that relate to OOP.Now please explain your reasoning, I'm very interested.
+3  A: 

You should study Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns. For Design Patterns I would recommend the book Head First Design Patterns and the site dofactory.

I would also recommend reading up on Domain Driven Design, which will help you with requirements as well as good overall OOP/OOAD. You should also learn the SOLID principles. TDD would not hurt either

UML is not that important. Learning Use Cases would be a more important skill. UML is more of a Waterfall type skill. I would study up on Scrum and XP instead.

Charles Graham
+ 1 for the 'SOLID'-link

Study whatever in whichever order. The only real way to become a "master" is to write programs. Preferably in a situation where you have peers who can review your code.

Al W
Assuming his peers know what they're doing.
+5  A: 

OO takes a while to figure out. Just when you think you've 'got it', you discover that you've been programming procedurally all the while.

Anyway, I would say learn C# first, then concentrate on design patters (but don't go over the top). Also, learn the design principles that the patterns are based upon:

  • The Open/Closed Principle The Liskov
  • Substitution Principle The Dependency
  • Inversion Principle The Interface
  • Segregation Principle The
  • Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle
  • The Common Closure Principle
  • Common Reuse Principle
  • The Acyclic Dependencies Principle
  • The Stable Dependencies Principle
  • The StableAbstractions Principle

However, as others have noted, the only way to master the concepts is to practice and make a lot of mistakes. The first one you will make is slavishly following the principles, which will create a huge abstracted mess. You need the knowledge as well as the experience to know when to use the wonderful new skills.

+4  A: 

Practice should be your #1 item. Every once in a while, go have a look at some design patterns book, which will make much more sense anyway once you've encountered the problems those patterns try to solve.

One year won't be enough, however.

Carl Seleborg
+1  A: 

To be thorough in C# and to know the advancements of the language from version 1 to 2 and to 3, I suggest you read C# in Depth by Jon Skeet. The book is published by Manning and when you buy the book, you get a free e-Book copy (PDF) as well.

Suggest you buy from Amazon where its much cheaper.

Nahom Tijnam

It is not the case that you will learn those different items in a set order, rather they are all interrelated. You can't fully learn one without the other. As you learn C# you'll learn OOP. And as you learn OOP you'll be exposed to UML and design patterns.

With regards to OOP the best book I've read was Betrand Meyer's OOP Software Construction book. This book looks at how one would go about building a language to handle the various different OOP constructs that one would want in a programming language. It is no where near as heavy as it sounds. After reading this you will have properly learned (at least in theory anyway) how to 'think OO'.

Now you can learn as much theory as you want, and you can even gain some real-world experiience, but until you've really battled on a number of small and large projects, facing lots of different problems, then you can't even consider yourself "experienced". To become a master? More passion and time and geunine entusiasm than most of us have along with a natural talent for programming + about 20 years experience ;)

+5  A: 

Have a look at this article:

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

+2  A: 

Malcolm Gladwell (in his recent book Outliers) cites the "10,000 Hour Rule": in any field of artisanship, it takes about 10,000 hours of work to attain mastery. This is true of goldsmithing, surgery, and playing the violin; it's certainly true of programming. Given that most programmers spend about half their time doing things that aren't programming, you should expect attaining mastery to take about 10 years, and that's assuming that you have a productive apprenticeship (i.e. work under a master who teaches you what to do). Most programmers don't, and that can make it take more like 20 years.

Robert Rossney
It's a lot more in programming because the technology changes too quickly. A craft like fine woodworking hasn't changed much in decades.
I wonder what the real impact of that is. I think that the ability to quickly learn new technology is one of the skills that you develop as you attain mastery.
Robert Rossney
+1  A: 

It will depend on your learning type, but I have found that in my situation, I learned best by looking at other people's code and refactoring it.

Do yourself a big favor and get the bible on Refactoring by Martin Fowler and utilize the Refactoring patterns found in that book. By looking at other's code and improving it, many times you learn the lessons you really need to learn without getting frustrated by syntactical errors and the like.

Then, do yourself another favor and start developing the right way to begin with. Related to DDD, definitely look at Test-Driven Design/Development and don't start bad habits of writing untestable code. It takes far longer to break bad habits than to learn proper habits.

And, when you get to a point that you don't enjoy it, step out of it for awhile, be it 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days or 2 years. If you're developing and you're mad about it, your code will royally suck. Ask me how I know. :)
