



I have a little problem and I'm hopping that you can help me solve this annoying issue.

I need to use an iFrame in an administration panel to let users use the selection service, and in the HTML I have:

<iframe scrolling="yes" runat="server" title="Par Selection" id="iFrame"
    frameborder="0" enableviewstate="true" width="100%" height="490" />

in my code-behind file I have:

iFrame.Attributes.Add("src", String.Format(
            parSettings.GetSettings(parSettings.SettingsType.PARSelection, parSettings.SectionType.Username),
            parSettings.GetSettings(parSettings.SettingsType.PARSelection, parSettings.SectionType.Password)));

The output is this:

<iframe id="tcMain_tabPARSelection_iFrame" scrolling="yes" title="Par Selection" 
   frameborder="0" width="100%" height="490" 

Please note the &amp; instead & sign in the src address when passing username and password

How can I prevent this?

I tried with HttpUtility.Decode( myCompleteUrl ) but with the same achievement :(

The worst thing is, if the src code has only the address

... src="" ...

I'm not able to input the user/pwd, I see the form and I can enter text, but it does nothing, it only refreshes the iframe inner page, doing this in a full window, works fine.

And in that administration panel I have a textbox to the user add the username and password in order that entering the Administration page, I will jump directly to the service in the iFrame so the user does not need to enter user/pwd to login every time, that is way I'm trying to add those values dynamically.

Any ideas?

Added: If I put the correct URL address (with user and pwd) in the iFrame src attribute in the HTML side (not dynamically) all works fine :(


This seems like a case where you can take advantage of URL encoding to hide the &, bypassing XML encoding. & is U+0025, so you can encode it as %25:{0}%25password={1}

was absurd first time I read, but, I had to try before I write something, did you tried this yourself?

You should use

parSettings.GetSettings(parSettings.SettingsType.PARSelection, parSettings.SectionType.Username),            
parSettings.GetSettings(parSettings.SettingsType.PARSelection, parSettings.SectionType.Password)));
Encode??? I'm guessing that you do not understood wither my problem or the Encode function
+5  A: 

The presense of the &amp; is actually correct there. Most browsers are forgiving enough not to choke on just seeing & there, but it's technically not correct.

can be true, but does not solve my problem :(
I will forward this issue to the website owner then. Thnxs for the help
+2  A: 

“&” is a special character in HTML (more specifically in SGML), so encoding it is the correct thing to do. Yes, even in link URLs.

+1  A: 

The HTML 4.01 specification states:

Authors should use "&amp;" (ASCII decimal 38) instead of "&" to avoid confusion with the beginning of a character reference (entity reference open delimiter). Authors should also use "&amp;" in attribute values since character references are allowed within CDATA attribute values.

So encoding the & as &amp; is correct behavior since the interpretation of the src attribute value (CDATA data type) is described as:

CDATA is a sequence of characters from the document character set and may include character entities. User agents should interpret attribute values as follows:

  • Replace character entities with characters,
  • Ignore line feeds,
  • Replace each carriage return or tab with a single space.

Otherwise src attribute values like /foo?bar&sect=123 would be ambiguous as they can be interpreted either literally as /foo?bar&sect=123 or (replacing the sect entity) as /foo?bar§=123.
