+1  A: 

Remove the ucCustomerFinder asyncpostbacktrigger element from the triggers section and add the pnlSelectedCustomers.Update() command to the Repeater_ItemCommand event of the repeater

Michael Kniskern
You are right :) I couldnt understand why did i try ultra things for that :). But i did it work by assignin triggers on aspx page.Thank you very much.
Barbaros Alp
I recognized it now while i was checking my project, it s not an asyncpostback if i did pnlSelectedCustomer.Update()
Barbaros Alp
+1  A: 

Thanks Micheal Knishkern about his answer.

But i did it work by my way too :)

Just delete two chars "On" from the Event name.

OnrptCustomersEvent to rptCustomersEvent

Thanks again

Barbaros Alp