



I have a file listing in my application and I would like to allow people to right-click on an item and show the Windows Explorer context menu. I'm assuming I would need to use the IContextMenu interface, but I'm not really sure where to start.

+7  A: 

I have written a library that might be able to help you. You could use the controls provided by the library, or if you don't want to do that, looking through the code may give you an answer.

You can find the library at:

Please let me know if this helped!

+2  A: 

There's a very good tutorial (albeit in C++) about hosting an IContextMenu on Raymond Chen's blog in 11 parts (in order):

  1. Initial foray
  2. Displaying the context menu
  3. Invocation location
  4. Key context
  5. Handling menu messages
  6. Displaying menu help
  7. Invoking the default verb
  8. Optimizing for the default command
  9. Adding custom commands
  10. Composite extensions - groundwork
  11. Composite extensions - composition
Rowland Shaw
This is perfect. Not in C#, but it explained how to do it, and that's all I need.
Jon Tackabury

Take a look at this project

It's file browser in C#, it can show shell context menus for files.

+1  A: 

I found a great Code Project article that encapsulates everything very nicely into one class!

Explorer Shell Context Menu

It's as easy as the following code snippet:

// Sample code

ShellContextMenu ctxMnu = new ShellContextMenu();
FileInfo[] arrFI = new FileInfo[1];
arrFI[0] = new FileInfo(this.treeMain.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString());
ctxMnu.ShowContextMenu(arrFI, this.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));

The only irksome thing is that it takes either an array of FileInfo[] or an array of DirectoryInfo[] although it was VERY easy to modify the source slightly so that it would take an array of FileSystemInfo[]
