



I am, for lack of a better word, a newbie to Localization and resource files. I am trying to localize an application I am working on and I want to do it using resource files and satellite assemblies, but I can't figure out how to do it correctly. Here is what I have so far:

In my project directory: I created the files LanguageText.resx and

In my project/bin directory: I created the folder "nl"

In my project/bin/nl directory: I used ResGen.exe to create file from file, then I used AL.exe to create the project.resources.dll file. That .dll file is in the bin/nl folder. It assembled ok and now I have nl/project.resources.dll in my project/bin/debug folder as well.

My problem is that I apparently do not have a neutral language file or resource embedded in my program, but I can't find any info on how to do that. The only info I can find about embedding resources in this manner is related to satellite assemblies. How do I embed the neutral language resource?

Any help or direction is appreciated.

Thanks, Mike


The fallback resources should be placed in LanguageText.dll in the bin folder. Alternatively, you may add an System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute attribute to the LanguageText.dll assembly, and specify a default culture used if the culture is invariant, or there is no match for a given culture.

Generate the nl assembly, call it LanguageText.resources.dll, place in bin/nl folder.

Verify that this works, by setting the culture on your thread and use a ResourceManager to retrieve resources.


You can do it with the help of AssemblyInfo. Go to AssemblyInfo.cs and add the attribute [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US",UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)] Make sure to add using statement using System.Resources; at the top. The above line indicates that the neutral resource language of your assembly is 'en-US' and this is a Satellite assembly.

Hope this will help you!
