




Is there any GUI toolkit for Python with form designer similar to Delphi, eg where one can drag and drop controls to form, move them around etc.

+3  A: 

I recommend PyQt (now from Nokia), which uses Qt Designer. Qt designer produces XML files (.ui) which you can either convert to Python modules using a utility called pyuic, or load dynamically from your Python program.

You do have to write your Python code in a different editor, i.e. Designer is only the GUI designer part and not a complete IDE. They have an IDE in beta called Qt Creator, but I don't think it supports Python very well at this stage.

If you'd rather go with wxPython, wxGlade will output Python code.

PyQt is now from Riverbank Software. (QT is from Nokia)
Warren P
+3  A: 

Use Glade + PyGTk to do GUI programming in Python. Glade is a tool which allows you to create graphical interfaces by dragging and dropping widgets. In turn Glade generates the interface definition in XML which you can hook up with your code using libglade. Check the website of Glade for more info.

Baishampayan Ghose
+2  A: 

If your using wxPython check out BoaConstructor, it is a complete Python IDE with a GUI designer.

Wow, still at version 0.2 after all these years. -)
Warren P