



I've resubmitted this quesiton - without the link to the slideshare page - since the original got closed. My apologies if it looked like spam or marketing. The question is genuine - apart from the yahoo groups I belong to I don't know where programmers hang out these days.

Background: I've just published a free book online about the business side of software development during a recession. It's a short story - a parable - about a programmer who is about to lose his job because his project's customer has cancelled it due to the recession / credit crunch. He saves his job in the end by asking questions about the commerical / financial side of his project. The answers help him discover a way of making the project much more money than anyone expected, while at the same time needing far less cash.

My quesiton:

I know the book will save programmer's jobs and I'd like for more programmers to read the book (for free) ... but I don't know how to spread the word further.

I put the book up on where anyone can read the entire text for free (it's a short book so it's surprisingly pleasant to click-read it as a presentation). About 2000 people have read it in the last week and it's received some fantastic feedback.

I'd really appreciate your suggestions, I've put a lot of my evening hours into this and I think it's very important

Clarke Ching.


You are spreading the word right here and now...

+3  A: 

For start you could maybe provide us direct link to your book :)

Mr. Brownstone
it got closed with the link.
John Nolan
John Nolan
yep, seeing how you chose to advertise it here (and don't say you didn't)
Dmitri Nesteruk
+2  A: 

You can try the programming subreddit. Just be sure to pick a non-spammy title. "Free book for programmers" might work.

You might also try sending free copies of the book to influential programming bloggers. Does anyone know any? :)

Bill the Lizard
I heard about a few, I think there was a Joel Spolsky, and a Jeff Atwood, but hey don't take my word for it.
Those names mean nothing to me. :)
Bill the Lizard
+5  A: 

How about

  1. Delicious
  2. Digg
  3. reddit
  4. twitter
  5. StumbleUpon
John Nolan
StumbleUpon sends me the worst traffic possible. Bounce Rate > 90% from there.
Bill the Lizard
Really? that's interesting. Thought appropriate tags would filter out the rubbish. Still if you aren't hosting it that shouldn't matter to you.
John Nolan
Ah, the problem might be that I'm not submitting (and therefore not tagging) my own stuff to SU. Still, you're right. I'm not hosting, so it doesn't matter in my case.
Bill the Lizard

Maybe the crowd over at The Business of Software at will like it as well. You could try there.

Arjan Einbu

This question got closed ... and then reopened! Thanks for that.

And thanks for the answers. They're very handy.


InfoQ has a bookshelf and published "Scrum and XP from the trenches" and "Agile patterns: the technical cluster"


I agree that Twitter is a good place to start some buzz about your new book or product.
