



Does anyone know if such a tool exists? Online or offline? Basically I'm looking for a Google search indexer which only crawls over class names, field names and method names in the .NET framework assemblies (custom assemblies too would be great). This would allow for fast searching. I know Reflector has this search capability but it's not indexed, it's slow and it only searches the assemblies that are currently loaded. I would like one that searches all .NET managed assemblies.

Cheers, Jonathan.


I would use this question to collaborate here. I'm sure some StackOverflow users could copy/paste/share some reflection code in their answers. I don't know of a tool that can currently do this.


Isn't that what MSDN is for (for the framework assemblies certainly). And for your own applications you can use sandcastle (if you are brave enough - although the sandcastle help file builder does help).

MSDN is *very* slow and hard to search. I'm not looking for documentation on the types. I'm just looking for the meta-data about the types themselves.
Jonathan Parker
+2  A: 

My best suggestion is to try and use Lucene.Net and write your own. It's insanely easy (even though the Lucene.Net API is horrible in terms of .Net-'conformedness').

Jonathan C Dickinson
Yeah, I've heard about Lucene.NET and have been meaning to look into it more so I guess this could be a good project to learn about it given there's nothing out there (AFAIK) at the moment.
Jonathan Parker