



I've created a small script in Outlook 2003 VBA that watches for new appointments, and sets them to tentative and no reminder as I create them. However, I now find that seemingly at random, the VBA editor will open itself. It doesn't happen when I actually use the new script, but it did happen this morning when I un-hibernated my laptop, for example.

The editor doesn't pop up any runtime errors or highlight any lines in the script, it's just there as if I had pressed Alt-F11 to launch it. Sometimes I close other apps and see that it's been sitting back there for a while.

This behavior has only been occurring since I created this new script. Any ideas why this would occur? Thanks!

+2  A: 

If you have previously set breakpoints, it may be that you still have a phantom breakpoint. Try choosing "remove all breakpoints" and see if that clears the problem.

Check also that you have not chosen "Break on all errors" under options, and that your error handler is functioning properly.

I had a similar problem in Access- "Clear all breakpoings" fixed it.
"Clear all breakpoints" just fixed this problem for me. Thanks!

I have the same problem, except that it only occurs when I've gone in and unlocked the VBA project for editing and haven't restarted Outlook. It seems to open up when I get a new email (that's when my VBA runs) so basically I just have to restart Outlook and lock the project back up.

Sorry I don't know what's really causing it, but locking the VBA project should fix the problem...

Jon Fournier
+2  A: 

Believe it or not, this is a known issue. Check out this MS Support link:

I have the same problem and found it while I was looking for a solution. Since it gives no advice, I kept searching and came across your post. I will come back with an update if I find a solution.


The MS page linked by Jaquez hints at the answer; just make sure you don't run the editor maximized, and the problem should go away. If you restore it to a non-maximized state, then resize it to take up the whole screen, it should remember its position. It's a pain if you only have a small screen, but on a normal large monitor it works fine, and solved the problem for me.
