There are lots and lots of opinions available about what framework is the best choice as well as resources and tutorials to help you learn to use them. What I'm having a hard time finding is a clear explanation of what the "ah-ha this is why I learned all this" moment.
So just to clarify, I have never used any framework and don't really understand how MVC works beyond an extremely basic level from an ill-fated attempt to learn rails a couple years ago. I think I'd like to learn, but before I dive in, I want a little clearer understanding of what problems it will solve. The common answer is something along the lines of "it takes care of all the bs stuff and lets you focus on what's important." That sounds great, really, but I don't know wtf it means in practice.
To give a little more context...I am very much a novice and at this point am only focused on PHP. I am currently working on an app that (in a very basic sense) aggregates and displays parsed data from various web services...has a login system with individual user settings that determine how each user sees/uses the data. I realize that description is pretty vague, but hopefully it's enough to explain to me the virtues of programming like a grown up.
Happy to answer any other questions about my specific situation if that would help with the explanation.