




In my jboss-aop.xml, if I mark pointcuts using normal signature, like this:

<bind pointcut="execution(public void org.POJO->noop())">
<Interceptor class="org.SimpleInterceptor"/>

aspects compile without a problem, but if I use annotation, like this

<bind pointcut="execution(void *->@org.Trace(..))">
<interceptor class="org.SimpleInterceptor"/>

then there is no aop compile - no error, but the pointcut is not compiled. So - anybody knows if the maven jboss aop plugin supposed to be able to compile annotation marked pointcuts?


After exploration of the jboss aop sdk (where annotation example worked) and hours of trying to bring 2 projects together to find a reason, the offender was missing

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;


on my Trace interface. In combination with the aop compiler being very picky to almost every aspect of its setup and silently not compiling if anything vital (like goal/compile) is missing, this was a pretty entertaining puzzle!

Sergey Aldoukhov