



Hey Everyone

I just started Data Structures and Algorithms which is taught in Java. So far I've only learned C++ in my life so I'm still VERY new to using java.

Anyways I have a homework problem I'm a little stuck on:

Write a recursive method that returns the number of 1's in the binary representation of N. Use the fact that this is equal to the number of 1's in the representation of N/2 + 1, if N is odd.

Now i'm not sure how exactly to do this. I already have a function set up that takes an integer and converts it to binary and stores it in a string, yet the rest I'm kinda lost on.

If I can get some guidance, that would really help.

This is what I have so far:

public class Homework1Code {
  static void prtbinary(String Molly, int size){
    if(size <=0){

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i = 38;
    String binstr = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
    System.out.println("The Original Decimal Number is: " + binstr);
    prtbinary(binstr, binstr.length());


+10  A: 

This is not a hard problem to solve. What you need to do is stop writing code and first solve the problem on paper. Then convert your algorithm to code.


first, reduce the problem to the easiest case ...

Bedwyr Humphreys
Good tip, whenever I am dealing with recursive functions I always look at the terminating case and then work backwards from there.
+1  A: 

The question is about doing arithmetic, so leave the value as an int rather than convering to a string.

Then there are two facts (for non-negative numbers):

  • if N is odd then the number of ones is the same as in N/2 plus the one remainder;
  • if N is even then the number of ones is the same as in N/2.

bitCount of 010101 is bitCount of 010101/2 = 01010 plus 1 bitCount of 010100 is bitCount of 010100/2 = 01010

Rinse and repeat until finished (induction).

Just don't look at the source to Integer.bitCount.

Tom Hawtin - tackline
+2  A: 

Step one: think!

It is very hard to write a recursive method whose return type is void.
